Default 'inner' Mode
Call ImageZome without any config,just apply it on an image. You can set the image size, apply some style or make it responsive as usual.

Standard Zoom
Responsive! Standard zoom mode show on the left/right. You can set the zoom view size ,custom css class , set the offset of the thumb image or other offset target! Try resize your browser, you will find out the magic!

Follow Zoom
Follow Zoom of single image, Can be set large image or not. And you can easy custom the lens size and style.

No Smooth Moving
This is the standard mode image zoom with no smooth moving. Here option has set to 'type="standard" smooth_move="no" zoom_size="320,240"'

Offset Variation
This is the standard mode image zoom with offset variation. Here option has set to 'type="standard" offset="38,110" zoom_size="320,240"'
Left Position
This is the standard mode image zoom with right align. Here option has set to 'type="standard" position="left" zoom_size="320,240"'